
Fashion Designer Brianna Averhart on Leadership

Posted by: Roy Wilbur

Brianna Averhart, a Fashion Design major at Moore College of Art & Design, joined Host Deirdre Breakenridge for a “Women Worldwide” in-person podcast interview on Moore’s campus in Philadelphia. Brianna is a sophomore at Moore. She’s also a Resident Advisor (RA) and recognized as one of the scholars of the college’s Visionary Award Honors Program. The episode with Brianna was part of a three-part series sponsored by Moore featuring alumni, faculty, and students.

On the show, Brianna shared when she first discovered her passion for fashion design, which began with her love of sewing. She joined the Moore community which has helped her to cultivate her leadership skills. As an RA, planning programs and assisting her student residents, Brianna offered her perspective on leadership and inspiring others. During the episode, Brianna fields questions from friends and peers on how she handles the criticism that comes with the world of an artist as well as how she overcomes her inner fears and challenges.

A little more about Brianna Averhart … Brianna was always interested in Moore College hearing about their internships, scholarships and participating in their programs even before she became a full-time student. She was also drawn to Moore because 94% of their graduates receive jobs. As a fashion design major, Brianna’s goal is to help people feel more comfortable in their own skin by creating clothing that’s made for everyone

There have been more than 25,000 downloads of Brianna’s podcast.  Now it’s your turn to listen in. .